Who, What, When…
Explore “Wh” questions.
To correctly answer a question a child must first determine what kind of question was asked. For some questions, they must also understand the underlying inference that the question is making.
Train Talk!
Ask and answer direct questions
Children with autism often have trouble asking and answering questions so this exercise models the asking and answering of direct questions. This is an excellent tool to encourage spontaneous speech, conversational skills, and auditory comprehension.
Wild, Wooly, Wonderful Critters
Explore language while learning about critters.
Parents will find “Critters” to be a fun way to teach children new vocabulary, ask and answer questions, and practice great articulation. Learn about animals from many different habitats: house, farm, forest, ocean, jungle, grasslands, the arctic and more!
Pictures for SLPs
and Special Education Teachers
Pick pictures that match the interests of the child you are working with. There are 11 major categories like Plants, People, and Places. Within each category, there are sub-categories like Body Parts, Working, Playing, Airplanes, Trains, etc.